Feature requests

Let us know what feature we should add

  1. LIVE Lesson

    It would be great if a course could be a mixture of lessons and LIVE. For example, I host 14+ monthly shows. The upcoming show could be a LIVE lesson, and past shows become the replays/full lessons with content. This is a great way to mix the live and recorded content many of us create. AND will allow people to sign up and schedule content they don't want to miss (email reminders? SMS?). smiles smiles

    Miss N


  2. Saved blocks that we can drop in to course pages when we do repetitive set ups.

    Would be nice to be able to save certain sections or blocks from lessons that we can reuse when creating new courses or lessons.

    Mario G


  3. Warning component

    Currently the warning component doesn't allow us to: Add icons Change the background color Add breaklines/paragraphs within the messsage Add images into the message I see that the warning component can be useful for me to make something standout in the lesson to capture the learners' attention. However, the current component isn't really usable with the missing functionality mentioned above.

    Zach K


  4. Course Landing Page

    Is it possible to have a landing page PER COURSE if/when needed? Use case: an academy with multiple instructors and courses, each instructor promoting their material. My mind goes to an idea of an "anchor" which might be added to the registration URL and trigger the display of the course. So, if each course had a TAG of sorts, the Academy registration url link + that tag would trigger the display of that/those specifically tagged course(s). This can go deeper, so that the incoming student not only sees the course he/she was advertised about, but at sign-up they get to be immediately placed / enrolled in the group tied to those courses displayed. A Math teacher sending out a link, students visit link and sees the registration to the academy with the carousel of the MATH courses available by that teacher. Signs-up, and is instantly enrolled in that group of users for those courses. Thanks for considering it, or discussing how this could be achieved natively. Bo :)

    #New Feature#Onboarding


  5. Free and/or Paid courses via PayPal, Stripe, etc.

    I think PP, Stripe, etc should be on the roadmap. Plug&Pay is acting out.

    #New Feature#Integration


  6. Fully customizable Registration/Landing Page

    Not sure this came up before, but I'd like to be able to add etc..right into the front page. I may want to display a calendar of upcoming courses, or feature students + reviews, etc.. Thank you! :)

    #Improvement#New Feature


  7. Community inside Acadle

    Option to engage

    Nizamudheen Valliyattu
    #New Feature


  8. Guest Access

    Giving guess access to the academy without registration

    Nizamudheen Valliyattu
    #New Feature


  9. Drag & drop components in the editor

    Currently the only way to rearrange the components is through clicking on the up/down arrows. Not very user friendly. If I've a component at the bottom and I want to move it to the top, I need to click on the up buttons countless time to arrange it to the right desired position. Like most Wordpress Gutenberg, Acadle should allow the user to drag and drop the components freely.

    Zach K


  10. GDPR compliancy

    GDPR structure needs to be set up. Meaning the main super administrator should not be freely able to go into someone's academy and view it's courses / access student information etc. Have the possibility that an administrator of an academy can give and allow permission to another administrator to access their academy.

    Ryan I


  11. Ability to automatically follow up a completed lesson or module with an email.

    I have experienced a feature where I would get an automatic email sent upon completing a lesson in a course. I find it very helpful, especially if the course is video and audio-heavy. It helps summarize and fit the style of the visual learner (like myself). Ideally, it would be great to set this in Acadle, as I put the lessons together.

    Nataliya B


  12. Drag & Drop Lessons

    Currently there's no way to rearrange the lessons. If I've a new idea to include additional lessons midway, I've to delete the previous lessons I created, add in the new lesson and re-add the old lessons in. Doesn't make sense. Acadle should allow the users to drag & drop the lessons to rearrange them anytime.

    Zach K


  13. Uploaded Files Folder?

    Would need the ability to see a folder with uploaded files.



  14. Pabbly Subscription Integration for Payment Integration

    PlugnPaid and Thrivecart is Great integration but... But both of them is limited to just some countries What make me really interest with Acadle in the first time is Pabbly connect integration But why it cannot support Pabbly payment? This is really crucial because Pabbly Payment integration support worldwide payment more than PlugnPaid and ThriveCart I believe with this Pabbly Payment, it can help more member better

    jeremy t


  15. End of the course behavior

    I like that at the end of the course, a student can rate the course. They can also click to go back to courses. BUT, if they choose to go over another lesson again, in the same course, and click on that lesson - they can't. I am not sure if I like or love that, however, when they click on a lesson again (after finishing and rating) they get a blank white screen. So that should not happen as it is confusing and you need to backtrack in the browser.. So either allow students to go over a lesson even after they completed the course, OR, a click on a lesson should take them to the course page, not a blank page. Thank you :)

